
Total Packaging (WA) Pty Ltd


Certification of biodegradable and compostable products and packaging is essential.  Applying for and attaining certification is an expensive and time-consuming process.  Products and packaging need to go through stringent testing for compostability and worm toxicity to be able to attain certification.  This process is generally undertaken by Organic Waste Systems or “OWS” in Belgium who are a world leader in these processes.

Once the process has been finalised and ratified, the products or packaging will then be certified by the Australasian Bioplastics Association after which an application to identify as compostable is then applied for.

This allows the “seedling “logo to be applied to the product or packaging and is proof of compliance:


Dzolv Products Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Total Packaging WA Pty Ltd, currently holds an AS 4736 certificate of conformance.